121 - Software engineering

Specialty "Software Engineering"

Want to develop software products and mobile applications? Marish programming? The specialty "Software Engineering" is for you! You will study modern methodologies and tools for designing and developing software for information management systems; mathematical fundamentals of programming; algorithms and data structures; object-oriented, declarative, system, parallel programming, programming on .NET platform, web-programming and web-design; technology simulation software; database management systems; Operating Systems; bases of organization of computer networks; technologies of information security, technologies of processing graphic, textual and multimedia information, methods of optimization and acceptance of design decisions, methods of development and introduction of systems of artificial intelligence.

Graduates work as program engineers, software project managers in the software development industry, custom programming and software outsourcing for the financial, manufacturing, telecom sectors of the economy, education, healthcare, the entertainment industry, trade enterprises, government agencies and the defense industry.

Certificates of EIT

Ukrainian language and literature - not less than 100 points

Mathematics - not less than 125 points, provided that Physics or Foreign Language - not less than 100 points

Physics or Foreign Language - not less than 125 points, provided that the Mathematics - not less than 100 points

Specialization "Software of web-technologies and mobile devices"

The group code is TI

The emergence of tablet computers has led to a large demand for software for mobile devices and web applications. We are preparing software development specialists for both server and client-side web applications, as well as hybrid and native mobile applications. Students master the basics of programming, designing and using relational and post-relational databases in web-based applications, and modern tools for developing and testing web and mobile applications. In addition, the issues of managing the process of creating software products, ensuring their quality and organizing team work by the team of programmers are studied.


The aim of the specialty is to train specialists capable of solving issues related to the use of effective system methods for creating high-quality software. Particular attention is paid to designing, analyzing, evaluating and evolving software. Students study the following disciplines: "Post-relational databases", "Web programming and Web technologies", "Parallel computing and GRID-technologies", "Real-time systems". Particular attention is paid to technologies based on the Java EE platform. In addition, in the field of view of this specialty fall into the management of the process of creating software products, ensuring their quality and team work team of programmers. Graduates work as software development software specialists.

Specialization "Distributed Systems Software"

The group code is TV

Students study parallel computing, networked computers, grid technology, cloud computing, the basics of modeling systems with fuzzy behavioral algorithms, the formation and use of databases and knowledge, the operation and programming of complex computer networks, the development of artificial intelligence systems and get basic knowledge of programming, mathematical modeling, and cutting-edge information technology. Particular attention is paid to technologies based on the .NET platform. After graduation, graduates can work in computer centers, scientific institutions of different directions, banks and other financial and IT structures by leading specialists in the development and use of information technology and systems.

During their studies students get basic knowledge of programming, mathematical modeling, advanced information technology. Studying the basics of developing artificial intelligence systems, modeling systems with fuzzy behavioral algorithms, forming and using databases and knowledge, exploitation and programming of complex computer networks. Students study the following disciplines: "Mathematical models and methods of planning and decision making", "Object-oriented analysis and designing of software systems", "Parallel computing and GRID-technologies", "Designing systems with distributed databases", "Fundamentals development of the broadcasters ". Particular attention is paid to technologies based on the .NET platform. After graduation, graduates can work in computer centers, scientific institutes of different directions, banks and other financial and IT structures by leading specialists in the development and use of information technology and systems.

The diploma of the Department of APES is the best recommendation for employment in commercial, scientific, industrial organizations of Ukraine and other countries. Graduates of the department achieve high success in various fields of science and production, headed by well-known IT companies both in Ukraine and abroad.

Basic disciplines of professional training, which students study all the specialties of the department: architecture of computers and computer circuitry; Fundamentals of programming and algorithmic languages ​​(C); system programming (ASSEMBLER, C) and operating systems (LINUX, WINDOWS); object-oriented languages ​​and programming environments (C ++, .NET, JAVA); Organization of databases and distributed databases (MySQL, MS SQL SERVER, ORACLE) using technologies ODBC, ADO, ADO.NET, JDBC, JPA, Hibernate; computer networks - local, corporate, global; network application programming tools (PHP, JavaScript (+ Frameworks), REST, JSF, JMS, Spring MVC, ASP.NET); Distributed Processing Tools (COM / DCOM, CORBA, REMOTING, WCF, GRID, Web-Services); graphical and geometric modeling (AUTOCAD, SOLIDWORKS, 3DMAX); functional and logical programming (LISP, PROLOG) and artificial intelligence systems; Methods and Technologies for Designing Information Systems (UML Language, Power Designer Environment); geographic information systems (MAPINFO, ArcGIS); WEB-services, multimedia technologies and WEB-design.

Obtaining knowledge allows graduates of the department to engage in interesting activities, realize their creative abilities and occupy highly paid positions in the field of information technologies.

Term of studies: "Bachelor" - 4 years, "Master" - 5 years 5 months or 6 years.