
Igor M. Kuzmenko


Igor Kuzmenko,

Ph.D., associate professor.

In 1999 he graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Industrial Heat and was qualified engineer promteploenerehetyk. In 2003 he defended his thesis on specialty 05.14.06 - Thermal Physics and Industrial power on "Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in heat protytokovomu contact evaporators with corrugated mesh cap."

Teaches: discrete structures, foundations of software engineering, design CAD fundamentals of heating.


  1. Modeling two-phase dynamics in the transition to counter movement apparatus in barbotazhnыy mode. Sbornyk nauchnыh articles Modern science Investigation, ideas, Results, technologists №2 (4), 2010. - P. 38-49.
  2. Modeling hydrodynamic film structure grid. Science news NTU "KPI», № 1 (69), 2010 - p. 11-21.
  3. Molodid DC Improving network structure to improve heat transfer and flow stability in film devices. Energy: economics, technology, ecology, № 1, 2010. - p. 63-70.
  4. Hydrodynamics flows in contact devices. East European Journal of advanced technologies, №1 / 9 (49), 2011. - P. 47-51.
  5. Yu.Homenko, A. Gaidar, V. Trisin. The system prompt detection of impact research reactor on its environmental sanitary protection zone. Materials IV Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Modern trends in information technologies in science, education and the economy" - Lugansk: Phoenix, 2010 - p. 142-144.