122 - Computer Science

Specialty "Computer Science"

Interested in information technology and programming? Want to know how to develop the latest technology and create your own? Do you dream to understand how the science and technology are predicted? "Computer Science" is a specialty for you.

The basis of the specialty - abstract ideas, which are based on the use of fundamental mathematical knowledge. You will learn to research, develop and implement the latest computational algorithms and procedures to solve practical problems of interdisciplinary nature of science, technology, business, communications, healthcare, etc., to develop algorithmic, software and hardware and software systems.

The specialty "Computer Science and Information Technologies" offers tremendous opportunities for a successful career - system thinking and thorough preparation allow the graduate to easily adapt to various areas of information technology.

Our graduates work as computer system analysts, programmers, project managers, administrators of information systems and networks, database administrators, design and implement complex information systems and technologies.

Certificates of EIT

Ukrainian language and literature - not less than 100 points

Mathematics - not less than 125 points, provided that Physics or Foreign Language - not less than 100 points

Physics or Foreign Language - not less than 125 points, provided that the Mathematics - not less than 100 points

Specialization "Geometric modeling in information systems"»

The group code is TR

Particular attention is paid to the mastering of special knowledge in the field of development and use of information technologies for automated design and modeling of technical objects and systems in the energy sector. Students study special disciplines in computer graphics and technical design. Theoretical questions and practical skills concerning construction of complex graphic objects and the formation of technical drawings on the basis of computer simulation of surfaces are considered.

Basic disciplines of professional training: "Design systems of automated designing", "Visual design in CAD", "Modeling systems", "Visualization of geometric information", "Real-time systems". Graduates of the specialty possess the necessary knowledge and skills in the development of any computer systems, including simulation and design systems for heat and power processes and objects.

Specialization Information technology for environmental monitoring»

The group code is TM

Students study issues related to monitoring software - a specially organized, systematic observation of the state of objects, phenomena, processes for the purpose of their assessment, control or prognosis, that is, monitoring provides for constant monitoring of a particular process in order to identify its compliance with the desired the result. For this latest and most relevant for Ukraine specialization, specialists are trained to develop computer systems for monitoring and analysis of the state of the environment, social and technical systems.

Students gain in-depth knowledge in object-oriented analysis and design of software systems, geographic information systems, graphical and geometric modeling, hardware and software tools for collecting and processing environmental information, computer technologies in the modern economy. Graduates work as specialists in the development of various software, in particular, in the field of computer monitoring.

The diploma of the Department of APES is the best recommendation for employment in commercial, scientific, industrial organizations of Ukraine and other countries. Graduates of the department achieve high success in various fields of science and production, headed by well-known IT companies both in Ukraine and abroad.
Basic disciplines of professional training, which students study all the specialties of the department: architecture of computers and computer circuitry; Fundamentals of programming and algorithmic languages ​​(C); system programming (ASSEMBLER, C) and operating systems (LINUX, WINDOWS); object-oriented languages ​​and programming environments (C ++, .NET, JAVA); Organization of databases and distributed databases (MySQL, MS SQL SERVER, ORACLE) using technologies ODBC, ADO, ADO.NET, JDBC, JPA, Hibernate; computer networks - local, corporate, global; network application programming tools (PHP, JavaScript (+ Frameworks), REST, JSF, JMS, Spring MVC, ASP.NET); Distributed Processing Tools (COM / DCOM, CORBA, REMOTING, WCF, GRID, Web-Services); graphical and geometric modeling (AUTOCAD, SOLIDWORKS, 3DMAX); functional and logical programming (LISP, PROLOG) and artificial intelligence systems; Methods and Technologies for Designing Information Systems (UML Language, Power Designer Environment); geographic information systems (MAPINFO, ArcGIS); WEB-services, multimedia technologies and WEB-design.
Obtaining knowledge allows graduates of the department to engage in interesting activities, realize their creative abilities and occupy highly paid positions in the field of information technologies.
Term of studies: "Bachelor" - 4 years, "Master" - 5 years 5 months or 6 years.